Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scotch Whisky Seagram S

♥ inhale

paradise somewhere above lugano

Nice that it also searches all hearts of all kind, finds, collects and like it. True, the book was to "The heirs of the Medicus. I have read it many years ago when my children were young. Although I liked the Medicus and the Shaman by Noah Gordon almost a little bit better.

These days I have great pleasure to read novels. What are you reading for so at the moment? What can you recommend? I look forward to hearing from you.

So happy to hear that you all are looking, searching, collecting and liking stonehearts too. Right, the book was "Matters of choice." I read it many years ago, when my children were little. Even though i liked The Physician and the Shaman from Noah Gordon almost a bit more.

These days i'm in the mood for reading Novels. What do you read at the moment? Any recommandations? I'm looking forward to hear from you.

yoga mat love

Heute Morgen im Yoga. Dandasana (Stockhaltung).
Wir hielten die Stellung already very long. My legs were shaking and I had to gather all my strength to straighten the spine straight. My teacher was a long time with me, supported and corrected me. She said: "Keep breathing longer and deeper."

And actually, when I concentrated on the breath, I realized I was much shorter than an exhale. "Take something for you," she said. This was precisely one of those moments. Suddenly one is aware of things.

exhaling, giving parts. In it we are usually very good. But what about breathing, receiving, take something for themselves, take out, claim to be?

Since it is more difficult. Often feeling the chest area like a hard shell. Eng. Maybe we protect ourselves. Maybe he has hardened over the years. Perhaps we never really learned to open ourselves.

I would like for me and for you that we breathe again quite a long time. Soft. The fact that the tank and opens and releases. We take a lot of breathing for us. Even in everyday life. Inhalation and exhalation. In the balance - and find our center.

Today morning during yoga in Dandasana (staff pose). We stayed very long in this position. It was difficult to hold and i needed a lot of effort to lengthen my torso. My teacher stayed long with me, adjusted and supported. She said: "Inhale longer and deeper".

And actually, when i concentrated on my breath i noticed that i use to inhale much more shorter then i exhale. "You've to take also something for you" she said. This was exactly one of these moments. Suddenly you become aware of the important things.

We are very good in exhaling, giving, sharing. But how is it about inhaling, accepting, claiming, taking something for you?

Here it becomes a bit more difficult. Often the chest area feels like a strong armour. Tight. Maybe we're protecting ourselves. Maybe it hardened with the years. Maybe we never learned to open ourselves.

I wish for me and for you, that again and again we learn to inhale deep and long. Becoming soft. That the armor opens and relaxes. That we can take very much just breathe for us. In the everyday life. Inhalation and exhalation are in a balance. And we find our center.

I like this song. And especially the video. Just beautiful. Wish you a happy
cozy sunday november.


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