Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Free Nreny Crrigan Mvies

raw food lasagne

Since we have the weekly vegetable bag, we are trying to experiment in the kitchen and on. I am a vegetarian for several years. Lately, I have tried to dispense with animal products. Although I would never say never. I do not like strict rules. What I do, however, is to go in the kitchen, new ways. Therefore, I have borrowed from the library Vegan and raw food cookbooks, and I love the health food store to look for alternatives and trying out new things.

These raw lasagna, together with the usual lasagna actually almost nothing. It looks like out, is a bit tinged Italian, but is still holding no lasagna as you know them. It does still taste delicious right. The recipe is from the book: "The Vegan Cookbook" by Sandra Forster and is intended for 5 servings. Although I usually do but only half. Mostly what is left over, which can be eaten without problems even on the next day. I like the cookbook, but the style of the photos used to. Maybe I ought to think twice about your own cookbook.

raw lasagna

200 g olives, capers 50g, 1-2 shallots, basil

fine chop with salt and pepper and 1 tablespoon agave syrup . Season
can take 20 minutes.

dice 10 small tomatoes and season with salt / pepper and oregano.
10 - let stand for 15 minutes. cut

The vegetable slicer or knife 5 zucchini into thin slices.
Then successive layers as on my picture.

Yofu garnished with parsley or soy yogurt &

With our vegetable bag every week we like to try and experiment in the kitchen. Since a couple of years I'm vegetarian. Lately i try to avoid animal products. But i would never say never. I'm not the one who likes rigorous rules. But i like to take new ways also in the kitchen. I looked for vegan and raw food books in the library and i love to look for alternatives in the natural foods store.

This Raw Food Lasagne has nothing in common with the usual Lasagne. Looks similar and italian, but it's not the type of Lasagne we know. Anyhow it tastes really delicious. The recipe is from the german book: "Das Vegane Kochbuch" from Sandra Forster and is for 5 portions. I usually prepare just the half of it. I like the recipes in the book but don't like the style of the photos very much. So maybe one day i've to think about my own cookbook.

Raw Food Lasange

200 g Olives, 50 g Capers, 1-2 Shallots, Basil
Chop eveything and flavor with Salt/Pepper and 1 tablespoon agave syrup.

Chop 10 tomatoes and flavor with Salt/Pepper and Origano.
And allow to stand 10-15 minutes.

Slice 5 zucchinis into thin "lasagne noodles"
Then begin layering with zucchini as shown in my photo

Top with Yofu or Soy Yoghurt & Parsley

Die Musik dazu / The music to it: Lorenzo Jovanotti - A te
Benvenuto autunno!


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